调查和比较了繁昌及旌德人体肺吸虫病的病原生物学,认为我国卫氏并殖吸虫应分为大型品系和小型品系。由于两型品系的虫体对终末寄主生理适应的差别,导致两地患者在临床和X 线胸片特征以及痰中有无虫卵排出等方面表现不同。
The pathogenic biology of human paragonimiasis in Fanchang and Jingde was investigated and compared. It is concluded that Paragonimus westermani should be divided into large and small strains. Due to the difference between the physiological adaptation of the two types of parasites to the terminal host, the two patients showed different performance in clinical and X-ray findings and in the presence or absence of sputum excretion.