【摘 要】
As a special form of allelopathy,autotoxicity is common in cucurbits,and it is one of main factors inducing continuous cropping obstacles.Therefore,the autotoxi
【出 处】
Journal of Northeast Agricultural University(English Edition
As a special form of allelopathy,autotoxicity is common in cucurbits,and it is one of main factors inducing continuous cropping obstacles.Therefore,the autotoxicity research has both theoretical and practical significance on overcoming continuous cropping obstacles.In this review,commencing on the concept of autotoxicity,research results of autotoxicity in watermelon in recent years were summarized.The significance of researches on autotoxicity in watermelon,watermelon root exudate and its autotoxicity,and the autotoxicity of watermelon stubble and the mechanisms were explained.Meanwhile,some questions needed to be further studied.
As a special form of allelopathy, and it is one of major factors inducing continuous cropping obstacles. Before, the autotoxicity research has both theoretical and practical significance on over continuous cropping obstacles. In this review, commencing on the concept of autotoxicity, research results of autotoxicity in watermelon in recent years were summarized.The significance of researches on autotoxicity in watermelon, watermelon root exudate and its autotoxicity, and the autotoxicity of watermelon stubble and the mechanisms were explained.Meanwhile, some questions needed to be further studied.
不同的媒介能够展示出不同的美,而同一位艺术家对同一题材进行不同媒介的创作时,往往能够显示出他的艺术的本质.1936年,画家尼古拉·菲钦①(Nicholai F e c h i n,1881—1955
我们班有一位同学叫“闪电”。你一定以为,他的动作像《疯狂动物城》里的树懒“闪电”一样慢。他才不是这样!因为,他的动作比树懒“闪电”还要慢……得多! 因为闪电同学的动作实在是太慢了,所以他每天凌晨1点钟就要起床。他起床要1小时,洗漱要4小时……当他用来当早餐的面条都成了“面坨”时,他以“闪电般”的速度夹起的第一筷面条还停留在空中呢。 因为动作实在是太慢了,所以闪电从不参加任何课外活动,但体育考试
身为停摆期间第一个选择暂别美国,远赴欧洲打球的NBA球员,德隆·威廉姆斯的一举一动都备受关注。如今,“小胖”已经在新东家贝西克塔斯打了多场比赛,但他暂时还没有摸清欧洲篮球的脉络。也许,他更希望继续在熟悉的NBA球场上发挥自己的天赋,但在那之前,他必须像忍者一样战斗。 过山车体验 “终于在飞机上了,一家六口一起到另外一个国家生活还是很有压力的,加油!下一站伊斯坦布尔!”在9月9日飞赴土耳
背靠着高大的华盛顿纪念碑,戴着太阳镜,穿着休闲西装的他仔细审视着眼前这座被阳光笼罩的林肯纪念馆。一丝淡淡的笑意从他的嘴边渐渐弥漫开来,不得不说,德朗特·韦斯特的微笑真得很具有感染力,他身边的人们几乎在这瞬间都被融入到这温暖的笑容中,谁都陶醉在其中不肯离去。 毫无疑问,华盛顿纪念碑和林肯纪念馆绝对是全美最至上的象征,但真正令我们身心放松的原因却绝非是它们的存在。相信我,绝对不是。在七月的这个清晨、