中国地质学会科普委员会创办一个以普及地学知识为内容的地球杂志,这是件很有意义的事,我热烈祝贺它的出版。已故中国科学院院长郭沫若同志曾写过一首关于地球的诗,诗中写道: 地球,我的母亲! 我过去、现在、未来, 食的是你,衣的是你,住的是你, 我要怎么样才能够报答你的深恩? 的确,地球是我们的生存之地、衣食之源。在它
It is a very significant event for the Science Committee of the Geological Society of China to set up a global magazine that takes universal geosciences as its content. I warmly congratulate it on its publication. The late President Guo Moruo, Chinese Academy of Sciences, wrote a poem on the earth that reads: Earth, my mother! I am past, present and future, you are food, clothing is you, you live is you How can I repay your deep love? Indeed, the earth is our place of survival, the source of food and clothing. In it