下述对话发生在2000年2月2日,大卫·洛克菲勒(David Rockefeller),大通曼哈顿银行的总裁和首席执行官(1969—1980),在1959年创建企业艺术收藏时,担任曼哈顿银行总经理一职;罗伯特·罗森布伦(Robert Rosenblum),纽约大学艺术学教授兼纽约所罗门·R·古根海姆博物馆(Solomon R.Guggenheim)的馆长,从1974年开始成为大通艺术协会的委员;曼纽尔·E·冈萨雷斯(Manuel E.Gonzalez)从1988年开始担任大通艺术收藏项目的执行总监。无论是收藏的直接目的和间接效益,还是艺术委员会的运作等,这段珍贵的收藏历史都会给人以许多启示。
The following conversation took place on February 2, 2000, with David Rockefeller, president and CEO of Chase Manhattan Bank (1969-1980), managing director of Manhattan Bank when he founded the Corporate Art Collection in 1959 Robert Rosenblum, curator of Art at New York University and Solomon R. Guggenheim in New York, has been a member of the Chase Society of the Arts since 1974 ; Manuel E. Gonzalez has been the executive director of the Chase Art Collection since 1988. Whether it is the direct purpose of the collection and indirect benefits, or the operation of art council, this precious collection of history will give a lot of inspiration.