大棚里会发生氨害吗?这可是一件新鲜事。不过去年在河北、河南一些大棚蔬菜栽培区,就真的出现了。轻的,植株生长不正常,重的,整株枯萎死亡。 作崇的氨气哪里来?原来是来自我们自己施入土中的氮素化肥和有机肥。 北京农业大学和中国农科院的专家说,冬春季节塑料大棚密不
Ammonia can happen in the greenhouse? This is a new thing. But last year in Hebei, Henan some greenhouse vegetable cultivation area, it really appeared. Light, plant growth is not normal, heavy, whole plant withered death. Aim of the ammonia come from? Originally from our own soil into the nitrogen fertilizer and organic fertilizer. Beijing Agricultural University and the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences experts say that winter and spring plastic shed close