一、普通中学教育科研工作面临的问题 普通中学教育科研工作面临的许多问题中,有的是外界因素造成的,也有的是内部政策因素造成的,而内部问题是目前普通中学管理体制改革中需要首先解决的问题。其突出表现为以下几点。 1.教师专业技术职务(职称)评聘没有分离,竞争机制实际上没有建立 由于学校目前专业技术职务(职称)评聘分离没有得到
First, the problems faced by ordinary high school education and scientific research Ordinary secondary education and research work facing many problems, some are caused by external factors, but also some internal policy factors, and internal problems are common middle school management system needs to be addressed first of all problem. Its outstanding performance for the following points. 1. Teacher professional and technical positions (title) appraisal without separation, the competition mechanism is actually not established due to the school currently professional and technical positions (title) appraisal separation did not get