抗旱播种方法很多,主要有抢墒、提墒、找墒、造墒等。这些措施应根据当地当时具体条件,看天、看地、看墒情、看水源,灵活运用。 1.抢墒播种。是丘陵山区早春播种的一种常用方法。是指在农作物适宜的正常播种以前,根据土壤墒情及时早播的技术。一般当地表有3厘米左右的干土层,耕层土壤含水量在10%以上时,应抢墒播种,一般比适时播种可提前约15天左右。常用于玉米、高粱、谷子等作物上。抢墒早播应注意随播随镇压、随耙耱,以防跑墒。 2.提墒播种。是通过播种前后采取的各种镇压措施(如镇压提墒、耙耢保墒等),增加播种土屋的含水量,使种子萌发出土,保证苗全苗壮的一种方法。一般在土壤表层干至5-6厘米而底墒很好的条件下应用。
Sowing drought many ways, mainly grab moisture, mention entropy, find moisture, make moisture and so on. These measures should be based on the local specific conditions at the time, to see the weather, see, to see moisture, see the water, flexible use. 1. grab moisture sowing. Is a common method of sowing early spring in the hilly mountains. Refers to the appropriate crop in the normal planting before, according to soil moisture timely sowing technology. Generally local table has about 3 cm dry soil layer, topsoil moisture content above 10%, should seize the moisture sowing, generally sow ahead of time than about 15 days in advance. Commonly used in corn, sorghum, millet and other crops. Seize soil moisture early broadcast should pay attention to compaction with the suppression, with rake 耱, to prevent running moisture. 2 to mention planting moisture. It is a method of increasing the water content of sowing soil and making the seeds germinate and unearthed by various repression measures before and after sowing (such as repression of soil moisture, raking of soil moisture, etc.). Generally dry in the soil surface to 5-6 cm at the end of soil moisture well under the conditions of application.