1975年在芜湖市郊发现一种蝶蛹寄生蜂,风蝶金小蜂Pteromalus puparum L.对菜粉蝶蛹寄生率很高。现将情况简报如下。 1.生活史据六年来在芜湖市郊野外调查及室内饲养观察,该蜂11月上旬以幼虫在寄主蛹内越冬。翌年2月下旬至3月中旬进入蛹期,3月中旬至4月上旬均有羽化的成蜂出现。一般羽化后经20分钟即行交尾。交尾后12小时即可产卵。雌蜂产卵于即将化蛹的老熟菜青虫体内。被寄生的菜青虫仍即化蛹。卵期1—2天。幼虫在寄主蛹内吸取汁液。3—5天后寄主组织被破坏而致死。幼虫食尽寄生体内全部营养物质后便化蛹,
In 1975 found in the suburbs of Wuhu, a chrysalis parasitic wasp, Apodemus little Pteromalus puparum L. parasitism parasitic rate on cabbage butterfly. The briefing is now as follows. 1. Life history According to the survey and indoor rearing survey conducted in the suburbs of Wuhu City in the past six years, the larvae overwintered in the host pupae in early November. The following year from late February to mid-March into the pupal stage, mid March to early April have emergence of adult bees. General emergence after 20 minutes to cross the line. 12 hours after mating to spawn. The female bee spawns in the mature impeller of the soon-to-be-pupae. Parasitic cabbage caterpillars are still pupae. Eggs 1-2 days. Larvae draw juice in the host pupae. 3-5 days after the host tissue is destroyed and lethal. Larvae exhausted all the parasites in the body after the pupation of nutrients,