
来源 :上海医药情报研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caicai432111
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就医疗器械产品而言,在国内和国外都是可持续发展的。我国将其列入新兴高科技产业领域,国外称其为明星产业,原因在此。医疗器械产品是防病治病、医疗保健、抗灾除疫的特殊商品,是医疗卫生事业三大重要支柱之一。从其以人体为服务对象的自然属性而言,医疗器械行业的重要性不在于它的经济效益或经济作用,而在于它对人类本身所作出的杰出贡献,即它的社会效益或社会作用。医疗器械在保障社会发展原动力——延长人的生命和提高生存质量方面的作用,已日益为人们所认识。医疗器械产品是多学科的高技术密集型产品,而且往往是边缘学科的知识交叉,它是新技术、新材料、新工艺应用最及时、最迅速的工业产品群。它的发展是社会经济和科学 In the case of medical device products, both domestic and foreign are sustainable. My country will be included in the emerging high-tech industries, foreign called the star industry, the reason here. Medical device products are special commodities for disease prevention and treatment, health care and disaster prevention and elimination, and are one of the three major pillars of health care. The importance of the medical device industry, not from its economic or economic role, but from its natural attributes of serving the human body, lies in its outstanding contribution to mankind itself, its social or social role. The role of medical devices in safeguarding the driving force for social development - to extend human life and improve the quality of life has become increasingly recognized. Medical device products are multidisciplinary, high-tech-intensive products that are often interlinked with knowledge of the periphery and are the most timely and fastest industrial product group to which new technologies, new materials and new processes are applied. Its development is socio-economic and scientific
人们对中国轿车价格持续下降众说纷纭。本文论述了中国轿车价格下降的特点、可能性与必然性,指出了中国轿车企业应对价格竞争的战略与策略。 People on the Chinese car pri
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我国冰箱业早已供大于求 ,年生产能力超过 2 5 0 0万台 ,而内销不足 10 0 0万台 ,尽管市场份额向优势品牌集中 ,形成了所谓“四大家族”即海尔、新飞、科龙、美菱 ,但在多年
Brief introduction Established on the basis of a sumof enterprises and institutionsformerly owned by the StatePower Corporation of China,the State Grid Corpora