我们收到的稿件,不少都是有见地、有积累、有文采的好文章,所以编选稿件的过程,也是我们编辑人员含英咀华、学习提高的过程。但是当编辑久了,也会患“职业病”,那就是爱在人家的文章里吹毛求疵。我们对一些来稿进行归纳,感到普遍存在的一个问题就是,逻辑欠周密。试举一例如下: 思想政治工作是一门科学,此乃不争之论。但为什么说它是科学?论者颇多,观点见仁见智。有的同志这样论证:第一,既然研究动物、植物、天
Many of the manuscripts we received were insightful, well-written and well-written articles. Therefore, the process of compiling manuscripts is also a process in which our editors have learned and learned from each other. But when editing for a long time, will suffer from “occupational disease”, that is, love in people’s articles, picky. We summarize some contributions, one of the common problems is that the logic is less well-knit. Give an example as follows: Ideological and political work is a science, it is an indisputable argument. But why do you say that it is a science? There are many commentators and opinions differ. Some comrades argue this way: First, since we study animals, plants and heaven