自从1987年11月深圳市人民政府委派6名董事长到市城建、石化、物资、赛格、建设、机械等公司任职以来,深圳市国营企业在深化企业体制改革、推行股份制方面迈出了可喜的一步。一、深圳市国营企业推行股份制的成绩和经验从深圳市一些国营企业试行股份的情况来看,虽然时间不长,但已取得相当大的成绩。归纳起来主要有以下几点: 1.有效地实行了企业所有权与经营权的分离。实行董事会领导下的经理负责制,董事长主要抓大事,抓宏观决策。如赛格集团董事长马福元以战略发展的眼光来筹划该集团的今后发展方
Since Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government appointed 6 chairman to the city construction, petrochemical, material, SEG, construction, and machinery companies in November 1987, Shenzhen state-owned enterprises have made great progress in deepening the reform of the enterprise system and implementing the joint-stock system. One step. I. Achievements and Experiences of the State-owned Enterprises in Shenzhen Implementing the Shareholding System From the perspective of the trial of shares of some state-owned enterprises in Shenzhen, although the time is not long, considerable achievements have been made. To sum up, there are mainly the following points: 1. Effectively implement the separation of corporate ownership and management rights. The system of manager responsibility under the leadership of the board of directors is adopted. For example, Ma Fuyuan, chairman of SEG Group, plans the future development of the group with the vision of strategic development.