中国企业的许多现实问题都能在最近政府采购中得到体现。《政府采购法》向国内软件商作出政策倾斜,“政府采购的硬件产品必须预装国产的操作系统和应用软件”以法律形式明确下来,国产软件苦苦支撑的领地开始孕育着新的机会,电子政务这个规模庞大的市场和巨额的政府采购看来是喜雨一场。 然而商业是复杂的,政策环境并不能解决所有问题。只有软件企业自己才是主角。到2010年,政府采购对国产软件的倾斜就将受到限制。在这段7年政府保护下的成长期中,软件厂商面临巨大的挑战,这种心情既欣喜又复杂。在操作系统、办公软件这两个高度垄断、
Many of the real problems of Chinese companies can be reflected in recent government purchases. The “Government Procurement Law” makes policy slap in the domestic software industry. “The government-purchased hardware products must be pre-installed with domestic operating systems and application software” is clearly defined by law. The hard-supported territory of domestically produced software starts to give birth to new opportunities. E-government This huge market and huge government procurement seems to be a happy event. However, business is complex and a policy environment does not solve all problems. Only the software company itself is the protagonist. By 2010, the government procurement of domestic software tilt will be limited. During this seven-year government-sponsored growth period, software vendors are facing huge challenges that are both delightful and complex. In the operating system, office software, these two highly monopolized,