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长期以来,由于历史、自然等多方面原因,赣南等原中央苏区经济社会发展滞后,人均GDP和地方财政收入水平均不足全省平均水平的三分之二,是全国较大的集中连片特困地区,它所面临的脱贫致富、加快发展的任务十分艰巨繁重。2012年6月,《国务院关于支持赣南等原中央苏区振兴发展的若干意见》(下文称《若干意见》)正式出台,将赣南苏区振兴发展上升为国家战略。随着《若干意见》的政策效应逐步显现,目前赣州经济社会发展速度已由原来在我省的第三梯队进入到第一梯队,2012年经济生产总值达1 508.43亿元。根据《若干意见》要求,赣南等原中央苏区将在2020年与全国同步建成全面小康社会,未来几年的发展速度和质量将进一步加快和提高,这不仅给金融业带来了广阔的发展至间,也对进一步完善金融服务体系和提高金融服务水平提出了新的要求…… For a long time, due to many reasons, such as history and nature, the economic and social development in the former Central Soviet Area lags behind. The per capita GDP and local fiscal revenue levels were less than two-thirds of the provincial average. In the impoverished areas, the task it faces in getting rid of poverty and accelerating development is arduous and arduous. In June 2012, the “State Council Several Opinions on Supporting the Revitalization and Development of the Central Soviet Area such as Gannan” (hereinafter referred to as the “Several Opinions”) was formally promulgated to elevate the revitalization and development of the southern Jiangsu Soviet Area to a national strategy. With the policy effect of “a number of opinions” gradually appearing, the speed of economic and social development in Ganzhou has now entered the first echelon from the third echelon in our province. In 2012, the economic output value reached 148.043 billion yuan. According to the “Several Opinions,” the original Central Soviet Area such as Gannan will be built simultaneously with the whole country in 2020 to build an overall well-to-do society. The pace and quality of development in the next few years will be further accelerated and enhanced. This not only brings about a tremendous development in the financial industry In the meantime, it has also set new demands on further improving the financial service system and enhancing the level of financial services.
贫码 .目期号国外带钢轧机板型控制技术的新进展 (下)3连铸二次冷却的控制4气休分析法还原反应装置微机数据处 理系统4用于大板坯连铸的最佳电磁搅摔系统 (译文)4SLPC可编程
当前,中国经济再度放缓,中国正面临新的思想解放。如果中国经济能够在新的一轮改革浪潮中实现全面“对内开放”,以民间投资快速增长为主要抓手,中国经济就会出现新的高涨局面。  7月15日,国家统计局公布了上半年经济数据。在二季度GDP增速已降至7.5%的同时,6月份CPI攀升至2.7%,时隔两年,“增量滞胀”的苗头继续发展。  这是一种令人担忧的局面。究其根源,可能在于改革的身影时隐时现。也就是说,如果
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