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产业政策是政府对经济干预的主要手段之一。制定适当的产业政策需要对产业状况进行分析。分析我国林产工业布局、林产工业产业结构、规模经济的现状表明:我国林产工业结构发生重大变化,南方集体林区和无林少林地区的木材和加工产品的供给明显上升,东北国有林区所占比重下降;林产工业企业总体数量变化不大,但各产业部门的企业数量变化较大;比较劳动生产率最好的为林机制造及修理业、林产化工业;林产工业总体存在生产能力利用不足、产业集中度不够、企业规模不经济。在分析基础上,从林业税收与扶持、改组改制、技术、原料基地、劳动就业、宏观调控与市场调节等方面提出了产业政策建议。考虑到产业素质,林产化工、木材加工应作为主导产业发展。 Industrial policy is one of the main means by which the government intervenes in the economy. Developing an appropriate industrial policy requires an analysis of the state of the industry. Analysis of the layout of China’s forestry industry, the industrial structure of forestry industry, the status of economies of scale show that: China’s forest industry has undergone major changes in the structure of the industry, the southern collective forest and non-Lin Shaolin supply of timber and processed products increased significantly, the share of the Northeast State-owned forest The proportion of the total number of forest industrial enterprises changed little, but the number of enterprises in various industrial sectors changed greatly; the best labor productivity for the forest machinery manufacturing and repair industry, forest chemical industry; forest industry overall lack of capacity utilization, Industry concentration is not enough, the scale of the enterprise is not economical. Based on the analysis, industrial policy recommendations are put forward from aspects of taxation and support of forestry, restructuring and reorganization, technology, raw material base, employment, macro-control and market regulation. Taking into account the quality of the industry, forest chemicals, wood processing should be as the leading industry.
昆剧衰败的原因很复杂 ,其中经济方面的因素也不容忽视。昆剧的产生和发展与封建大地主大庄园经济以及贵族文人的消费享乐生活有着千丝万缕的联系。其过高的演出成本和贵族家
在某金矿进行金刚石钻进中,发现钢制的双管接头不能适应在花岗岩、石英岩地层中钻进的要求,主要是磨损快。 In diamond drilling of a gold mine, it was found that the stee