理论的价值何在? 读《死与美》及其续篇

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艺术应该高于生活,理论应该高于常识;艺术反映生活可以有不同的方法和形式,理论认识实践可以有不同的视角和侧重。因此对艺术作品,对理论,都不能只追求浅近的、直接的功利目的;对理论的是非高下的判断也不能简单化;理论奇妙一些、高深一些,也不足为怪。但是这理论无论多高深、奇妙,最终还应服务于实践,还要接受实践的检验。实践是检验真理的唯一标准,艺术理论也不例 Art should be higher than life, the theory should be higher than common sense; art reflects that life can have different methods and forms, and theoretical understanding of practice can have different perspectives and focuses. Therefore, we can not only pursue shallow and direct utilitarian purposes to art works and theories, nor can we make simplistic judgments on theories unfavorable. It is not surprising that the theories are fantastic and profound. However, no matter how profound and fantastic the theory is, it should ultimately serve the practice and be tested by practice. Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth, nor is art theory
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