本文在分析過程中贊同Traugott & Dasher(2002:7)的看法,他們認爲語言的基本功能是表達意義(meaning)。同時本文認爲意義既具有認知(cognitive)功能,又具有交際(communicative)功能,就是説詞位(lexemes)是宏觀概念結構(macro-level conceptual structures)的具象的語言表徵。它們是人類共有的,但也要受到特定文化因素的影響。基於這種觀點,本文討論“等待”語義域(semantic domain)動詞的語義演變。現代漢語普通話中常用“等待”義動詞主要是“等”。在古代漢語(上古及中古)和近代漢語中“等待”義的動詞有:竢(俟)、徯、待、候、須、趕、等待、等候。本文從歷時角度來分析這些詞位跟它們的語義演變。本文的假設是只有兩個語義演變的機制:隱喻化(metaphorization)和轉喻化(metonymization)。
In the analysis, I agree with Traugott & Dasher (2002: 7) that they think the basic function of language is to express meaning. At the same time, this paper argues that meaning has both cognitive and communicative functions, that is, lexemes are the representational linguistic representations of macro-level conceptual structures. They are common to all, but also influenced by certain cultural factors. Based on this view, this article discusses the semantic evolution of “waiting ” semantic domain verbs. Commonly used in modern Chinese mandarin “wait ” meaning the verb is “wait ”. In the ancient Chinese (Middle and Ancient) and modern Chinese “wait” meaning of the verb: 竢 (俟), 徯, pending, waiting, beckoned, waiting, waiting. This article analyzes the lexemes and their semantic evolution from the diachronic perspective. The hypothesis in this paper is that there are only two mechanisms of semantic evolution: metaphorization and metonymization.