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在磨屑轮廓分形表征中引入雷达图的概念作为表征磨屑轮廓特征方法.研究表明,由于雷达图是以磨屑轮廓尺寸最长轴的中点作为中心,最长轴作为起始指标线,雷达图指标线与磨屑轮廓交点距雷达图中心的距离作为测量参数,消除了码尺法无固定起始点及无法辨别不同磨屑具有相似轮廓弧度等缺陷的影响;随着磨屑外形轮廓从圆形向条形发展,以雷达图表征的磨屑外形轮廓的分形维数由低向高变化,具有很强的规律性和尺寸独立性,并与磨屑产生的工况条件及磨损状态具有一定的对应性;通过与其他磨屑轮廓分形表征方法比较发现,采用雷达图分形表征方法对不同形状磨屑的表征有足够的数值梯度来避免误差影响.另外,磨屑图像采集质量和分度序列可影响磨屑的雷达图表征结果,随着分度序列数值的增加,磨屑的分形维数趋于稳定并具有唯一性,是一种较为有效的磨屑轮廓表征方法. The concept of radar chart is introduced into the debris fractal fractal characterization as a method to characterize the debris contour.The research shows that the radar axis is centered on the midpoint of the longest dimension of the debris contour and the longest axis is the initial indicator line, As the measurement parameter, the distance between the radar chart indicator line and the intersection of the wear debris contour and the center of the radar map eliminates the fixed start point of the code scale method and can not distinguish the defects such as the similar profile radian of the different wear debris. Circular to strip development, and the fractal dimension of wear debris profile characterized by radar chart changes from low to high, with strong regularity and dimensional independence, and has the same working conditions and wear status as wear debris And compared with other wear debris contour fractal characterization methods found that the use of radar fractal characterization method for the characterization of different shapes of wear debris have enough numerical gradient to avoid the error impact.In addition, debris image quality and grading The sequence can affect the radar pattern characterization of the wear debris. As the numerical value of the indexing sequence increases, the fractal dimension of the wear debris tends to be stable and unique, which is a more effective mill Chip contouring method.
The mechanical behaviors of rocks affected by high temperature and stress are generally believed to be significant for the stability of certain projects involvi
编者按:“兴趣是最好的老师”,这句话是众所周知的,培养学生的学习兴趣也是教师们所一直追寻的。然而在现实中,大多数学生将学习当成了一种负担,学习与兴趣之间的关系似乎演变成了一个矛盾体。  求知欲是中小学生的天性,教学的过程应该是教师带领学生感知知识奇妙、探索未知领域、掌握学习方法的过程。因此,如何在教学过程中激发学生学习的兴趣,让学生在这个过程中感知学习的轻松、快乐,并充满满足感,这应该是当前广大教
在12年的语文教学中,我发现一个现象:大部分学生,对现代文试题轻车熟路,而对古文试题,却难以下笔,束手无策。经过一段时间调查、摸底,结果令人惊讶:大约85%的学生对古文不感兴趣,觉得厌烦、拗口、朗读吃力。其实,很多语文教师对古文也厌烦,感到束手无策,常常是随便、简单而教之。  为了教师的“教”顺利进行,为了学生的“学”得到效果,更为了双方在此都得到进一步提高,我认为,最关键的是从各个方面提高学生对