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十多年来,我国防水技术有了较快的发展,无论在防水材料或是施工技术方面都有了显著的突破,因而在屋面防水、地下室混凝土防水以及地下室后浇缝等防水工程方面,都取得了较好的技术经济效果。为防止大面积油毡屋面鼓包,给潮气以出路,从根本上解决在潮湿基层上铺设油毡的问题,采用排气空铺法则是治本的方案。当屋面受到阳光的照射和室内热影响,找平层和保温层中的湿气就可以不断地从排气通道经排气孔排出,避免了湿气受热膨胀将基层粘结薄弱处胀开、鼓裂的问题。在涂膜防水材料方面,发展也很快,如阳离子氯丁胶乳沥青防水涂料、聚氨酯弹性体等。聚氨酯弹性体是具有橡胶状的弹性涂膜,适用于在防水涂层表面设有保护层的屋面防水、室内防水,特别适用于地下室、浴室、卫生间地面的防水。由于这种涂膜防水材料在施工固化前是一种无定形粘稠状物质,粘结力强,且可冷作业,不致引起烫伤事故,对于管道纵横交错布置和形状复杂的部位,易于操作,整体性好。这种材料有较大的弹性和延伸性,对于有严重裂缝的水池采用聚氨酯防水涂膜有较强的适应能力,可在短时间内得到修复。由于涂膜系一整体防水层,没有接缝,易于保证质量。因此,这类防水材料是很有发展前途的。尽管涂膜防水具有施工简便,成型性能好,没有接缝等优点,但涂膜防水有一定的易燃性和有害物质,施工过程中要加强通风和防火措施。 For more than a decade, China’s waterproof technology has developed rapidly. There have been significant breakthroughs in waterproof materials and construction technology. Therefore, waterproofing in roofing, waterproofing in basement concrete, and post-sealing joints in basements are all aspects of waterproofing. Has achieved a good technical and economic results. In order to prevent large areas of linoleum bulging, to give way out of moisture, fundamentally solve the problem of laying linoleum on the wet base, the use of exhaust empty shop rule is a permanent solution. When the roof is exposed to sunlight and indoor heat, the moisture in the screeding layer and the insulation layer can be continuously discharged from the exhaust passage through the exhaust hole, so as to prevent the moisture from expanding due to thermal expansion, and the base layer is bonded and weakened. Cracking problem. In the coating waterproof material, the development is also very fast, such as cationic neoprene asphalt waterproof coating, polyurethane elastomer and so on. Polyurethane elastomer is a rubber-like elastic coating that is suitable for roof waterproofing and interior waterproofing with a protective layer on the surface of waterproof coating. It is especially suitable for the waterproofing of basements, bathrooms and toilets. Since the waterproof material for coating film is an amorphous thick material before construction and curing, it has strong adhesive force and can be cold-worked without causing scalding accidents. It is easy to operate for places with crisscrossing arrangements and complicated shapes of pipes. Good overallity. This kind of material has greater elasticity and extensibility, and it has strong adaptability to polyurethane waterproof coating for pools with severe cracks, and can be repaired in a short time. Because the coating is an integral waterproof layer without seams, it is easy to ensure quality. Therefore, this kind of waterproof material is very promising. Although the waterproofing of the coating film has the advantages of simple construction, good molding performance, and no seams, the waterproofing of the coating film has certain flammability and harmful substances, and ventilation and fire prevention measures must be strengthened during the construction process.
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