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谈谈商务合同的翻译李全申合同是合营各方为设立合营企业就相互权利、义务关系达成一致意见而订立的文件。它是合营企业最基本的法律文件,是企业和合营各方合作共事的行为准则,也是解决经济纠纷,进行调解、仲裁或诉讼的法律依据。因此,翻译和签订合同必须慎重,千万不... Talking about the translation of business contracts Li Quan Shen contract is a joint venture parties to set up joint ventures on mutual rights and obligations of the agreement reached by the documents. It is the most basic legal document of the joint venture and is the code of conduct for the cooperation between the enterprise and the parties to the joint venture. It is also the legal basis for settling economic disputes, conducting mediation, arbitration or litigation. Therefore, the translation and signing of contracts must be cautious, do not ...
也就是每年春节的时候,和家人坐在一起,唠唠家常,梳理着一些碎片,编织成乡村成长的家事春秋,偶尔回想起来,又是如此的亲切……  我的家乡位于汶河的上游。村志言,刘姓祖辈爷爷,率先一人来此落脚。那个时候这是一片很湿润的地方,湿透了的黄泥沾满了祖爷爷的鞋底,让他寸步难行。祖爷爷由西往东走,走了很长的路,才发现有一片满是黄沙且地皮干爽的地方。祖爷爷一下子就喜欢上了这个地方,给她取名沙岭子。  家谱上没有记