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阳光打在我床上,睁开经过充足睡眠而兴奋的双眼透过北京污染严重的空气,我看到了淡蓝的天空。多美妙的早晨,但是我不愿意起床,大四了,我要让自己习惯赖床,尽管课已经开始了,那个满头黑发的教授已经带领我的同学穿越爱因斯坦扭曲的时空观,去体会相对论的玄妙了。懒洋洋地斜靠在床头,翻开《梁遇春散文》,我想我被拽回到20年代的老北大,我看到一个瘦弱身材,满脸懒散的年轻人。他把赖床变成了艺术,他认为以他十几年学习的经验来看, Sunshine hit my bed, opened his eyes full of sleep and excited through Beijing’s heavily polluting air, I saw a light blue sky. Wonderful morning, but I do not want to get up, seniors, I want to get used to bed, although the lesson has begun, the dark-haired professor has led my classmates through Einstein distorted space-time concept, To understand the mystery of the theory of relativity. Lazily leaning against the bed, opened the “Liang Yuchun prose,” I think I was dragged back to the 20 old Peking University, I saw a thin body, face lazy young people. He turned the bed into an art, he considered his experience of more than 10 years of study,