Based on the image processing technology, an embedded machine vision processing system is used to design an intelligent detection device and method for relay contact spacing. In terms of hardware, the Cortex-A8 processor as the center, the control, processing and measurement in one, and the use of infrared light source as the lighting system, inhibition of metal contact light emission; in the algorithm, the relay contacts static contact The contact point image area is the feature image, and the multi-resolution pyramid hierarchical matching technology is used to realize the accurate identification and positioning of the detection object. At the same time, the relay contact edge detection area is determined according to the corresponding relationship of the relay internal component positions; First, using pixel-level edge detection algorithm to determine the edge of the two contacts, and then use the sub-pixel edge detection technology to achieve precise positioning of the edge and detect the shortest distance between relay contacts. The method proposed in this paper is of great significance for the quality inspection and performance evaluation of relays.