各图书馆、情报所及相关机构: 近年来,随着数字化网络化技术的发展,图书情报机构的业务模式、服务方式和管理手段均发生了重大的改变。积极利用最新的信息技术成果,面向学科、面向知识服务,更加贴近用户的信息需求,将成为图书情报工作今后发展的重要趋势。为此,2004年,中国科学院文献情报中心将聘请本中心、国内一流的专家学者,利用中心一流的设施条件和中心在业务与技术新发展等方面所形成的实践成果,面向全国各图书馆,举办多种面向学科前沿与应用的高层次图书情报工作研讨班和培训班。全年安排如下:1 网络信息资源检索技能培训班 以主要、常用的网络数据库、光盘数据库和网上免费数
Libraries, intelligence agencies and related agencies: In recent years, with the development of digital network technology, the business models, service methods and management tools of the LIS have undergone major changes. Active use of the latest information technology achievements, for the discipline, knowledge-based services, more close to the user's information needs, will become the library and information work an important trend in the future. To this end, in 2004, the Chinese Academy of Sciences Center for Documentation and Information will hire the center, the domestic first-class experts and scholars, the use of first-class facilities and conditions center and the business and technology development and other aspects of the results of the practice for the country's libraries, Hold a variety of high-level library and information seminars and training courses for frontier and application of disciplines. The annual arrangement is as follows: 1 network information resources retrieval skills training courses to the main, commonly used network database, CD-ROM database and free online