1980年6月28日,在饲养粘虫观察中发现一头幼虫呈“蛴螬型”,头部比胸部粗大,体色发淡,逐日缩小,臀板上有一个似豆状的黑斑,7月6日死亡,尸软黑褐色,具腐败味。两天后虫尸变硬,腐败味消失。7月19日发现相同症状的一头虫尸,将患病虫尸进行分离培养,经中国科学院动物所辛兴球鉴定,属芽殖酵母菌,认为在粘虫幼虫体内是首次发现,因我区邮政号码是“744000”,故暂定名为“744”芽殖酵母菌。 744芽殖酵母菌的形态,菌落以及侵染幼虫发病症状与细菌相似,其不同的是菌体较大,每个孢囊内有
On June 28, 1980, a larva was found in the observation of armyworm feeding. The head lap was thicker than the chest, the body color was faded, and the size of the larvae was gradually reduced. There was a bean-like black spot on the buttocks. July Died on the 6th, corpse soft dark brown, with corrupt taste. Two days after the dead body hardens, the taste of corruption disappears. July 19 found the same symptoms of a dead carnivore, the diseased pests were isolated and cultured by the Institute of Sinology, Chinese Academy of Sinocassi identification, is a budding yeast, that in the armyworm larvae is the first time found in the body, because my area postal code Is “744000”, so tentatively named “744” budding yeast. 744 budding yeast morphology, colonies and infection larvae incidence of symptoms and bacteria are similar, the difference is larger bacteria, each cyst has