新疆杨树资源丰富,种类繁多,除平原地区栽植的新疆杨、箭干杨、钻天杨外,额尔齐斯河两岸生长着银白杨、银灰杨、黑杨、苦杨的天然母树林,其中有生长旺盛、充分表现杂交优势的自然杂交种北屯Ⅰ—Ⅴ号杨;塔里木河两岸有大面积的胡杨、灰杨林;高山及河谷地区还有山杨、青杨、密叶杨等。 由于杨树适应性强,耐瘠薄,耐盐碱,耐寒耐旱,生长迅速,树型美观,材质好,因而成为新疆各地绿化造林的主要树种之一,群众在实践中积累了许多栽培经验。 现将新疆杨树的种类、形态特征及栽培技术分述如下,以供参考。
Poplar trees in Xinjiang are rich in resources and varied in variety. In addition to the Xinjiang poplar, Jianganyang and Diantan trees planted in the plains, the natural mother forests of Populus tomentosa, Poplar, Populus tomentosa and Populus tomentosa grow on both banks of the Irtysh River. Among them, The natural hybrids Beitun Ⅰ-Ⅴ Yang, full of hybrid vigor and full of hybrid advantages; on both sides of the Tarim River has a large area of Populus euphratica, aspen forest; alpine and valley areas there are aspen, Populus, Populus and so on. As poplar adaptability, resistance to infertility, salt and alkali tolerance, cold and drought, rapid growth, beautiful tree, good material, and thus become one of the main trees afforestation throughout Xinjiang, the masses in practice accumulated a lot of cultivation experience. Now the types of Xinjiang poplar, morphological characteristics and cultivation techniques are described below, for reference.