【摘 要】
It is generally considered anti-glaucoma and shallow anterior chamber appeared elevated intraocular pressure is a malignant glaucoma. Has been reported in cases, occurred in the peripheral iridotomy, or even without surgery, shallow anterior chamber eyes, drops with a strong miotic agent can also occur after this disease. To date, there have been no reports of malignant glaucoma following laser iridotomy. The authors report a 73-year-old white male patient admitted to the hospital on March 5, 1988 with right eye pain. Right vision 6/36, left 6/18, right pupil insufficiency open large, weak response to light. Right atrium water cells 2+. Intraocular pressure: right eye 56mmHg, left eye 18mmHg (coldmann flattening tonometer), gonioscopy: the right eye all the angle of closure, the left eye angle open, but all
Larger amount of austenite could be retained in an intercritically heat-treated bainite- transformed steel. The elongation and the strength-ductility balance of
我们对沈阳×××厂60名分别从事喷漆、电焊、热处理的工人做了眼部角膜、结膜改变情况调查,现将调查结果报告如下: 对象和方法对象:调查60工人中喷漆26名、电焊20名热处理1
A new tool force model to be presented is based upon process geometry and the characteristics of the force system, in which the forces acting on the tool rake
This article reports 30 ca
为了解我院ICU近年来呼吸道定植菌的变迁和指导机械通气相关肺炎 (VAP)的抗生素治疗 ,对自 1995年起对ICU中机械通气 (MV)病例的下呼吸道分泌物进行了细菌学的系列监测 ,现总结如下。资
石人望,中国口琴艺术的倡导者,中外音乐界称赞石人望是“口琴大师”、“中国口琴一代宗师”。以他名字命名的“石人望”牌国产口琴销售到香港、澳门、新加坡、日本和欧美国家。 母亲是第一个音乐老师 石人望原名惠良,浙江宁波鄞县人,1906年生。他3岁丧父,与母亲相依为命。他的母亲章启英是一位音乐教师,终日与音乐为伴,每天唱歌、弹琴,直接影响了石人望,因而他从小就特别喜欢音乐。 1912年,石人
睑缘部肿物切除术后造成眼睑部分缺损,我们采取矩形切除,缺损处则由眉弓部取带毛皮瓣进行修补,效果良好,现报告如下: 资料与方法门诊诊断睑缘部肿物共15例,其中男10例,女5例