本文报告10例夜间哮喘发作病人,静注阿托品,观察其迷走神经的阻滞作用与夜间最大呼气流速(PEFR)的关系。男女各5例,年龄26~52岁,哮喘发作2~25年。患者随机在第1天的4时和16时,静注阿托品30ug/kg 或安慰剂(0.9%氯化钠),第2天两组交换疗法,测定PEFR。两组夜间哮喘发作患者,其白天PEFR 比夜间高20%以上,血浆肾上腺素浓度和脉率昼夜差异非常显著.结果表明,静注阿托品后,4时的脉率由60增至120次/min;16时的脉率由76增至122/min.因迷走神经阻滞引起的支气管扩张,4时的PEFR 由260增至390L/min;16时由400增至440L/min。
This article reports 10 patients with nocturnal asthma attacks, intravenous atropine to observe the vagal block and night maximum expiratory flow rate (PEFR) relationship. Men and women in 5 cases, aged 26 to 52 years old, asthma attack 2 to 25 years. Patients were randomized to receive atropine 30ug / kg or placebo (0.9% sodium chloride) at 4 and 16 o’clock on Day 1 and PEFR at Day 2 after two exchange therapy. Patients with nocturnal asthma attacks had a PEFR greater than 20% during the daytime and a significant difference in daytime and nadir plasma concentrations of adrenaline and pulse rate.The results showed that after atropine infusion, the pulse rate at 4 o’clock increased from 60 to 120 beats / min ; At 16 hours the pulse rate increased from 76 to 122 / min. Bronchodilation caused by vagal block increased from 260 to 390 L / min at 4 and from 400 to 440 L / min at 16.