Children, male, 4 years old, at 16:00 on June 5, 1999, in the upper arm deltoid muscle subcutaneous injection of JE vaccine 0.5ml Department of Health Shanghai Institute of Biological Products, batch number 981213.5, expiration of 2000 11 Month, 2h after vaccination, children with irritability, crying, itching, itchy body, followed by ear hives urticaria, and quickly spread to the whole body.The family members urgently sent to the village clinics, given to the Min, vitamin C tablets orally, invalid .At the end of 1 week, referral Huantai People’s Hospital Department of Dermatology, diagnosed as injection of JE vaccine after hypersensitivity, given Astemizumab, calamine lotion treatment, a slight improvement. 2 weeks later, go to the town hospital for treatment, physical examination; children head, face, body size distribution