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十二月份内,全省的中心任务是:为适应当前形势,贯澈华东局「加速完成土地改革工作指示」的精神,保证土地改革的顺利进行,并及时有力的镇压反革命活动,为准备在完成与结束土地改革工作的基础上贯澈全国民政会议、司法会议及华东公安会议的精神,加强人民民主政权的建设,巩固人民民主专政。我们除于十二月十六日召开了省土地改革委员会外,并先后召开了全省的民政会议(于十一月中旬召开的)公安会议及司法会议。兹将这些会议中所反映的工作情况及解决的问题,简要报告如下,作为我们十二月份的综合报告。一、在省土改委员会上,检查了全省正在进行着的土地改革工作。这一工作,在秋季生产中已经结合进行了宣传政策、训练干部、典型试验等准备工作,秋收一罢,全省即转入以完成与结束土地改革为中心任务,以典型突破,点面结合,逐步推、跳的方法迅速稳步前进,在十月时,各专区于突破二十余典型试验乡后,随即各自召开了典型总结会议,布置各县典型试验工作;十一月时各县亦于突破典型试验乡(共一百三十余乡)后,召开了县扩大干部会议,又在每区布置了一两个基点 In December, the province’s central task is: To adapt to the current situation, Jiang Zehua East China Bureau “speed up the completion of land reform instructions” spirit, to ensure the smooth progress of land reform, and promptly and effectively suppress counter-revolutionary activities in preparation for On the basis of completing and ending the land reform work, he urged all the people in the country to strengthen their people’s democratic dictatorship and strengthen the building of a people’s democratic government. Apart from the Provincial Land Reform Commission held on December 16, we also successively held public security conferences and judicial conferences in the province’s civil affairs conferences (held in mid-November). The briefing on the work reflected in these meetings and the problems to be solved are as follows, as our comprehensive report for December. First, at the Provincial Land Reform Committee, the province’s ongoing land reform was examined. This work has been combined with preparations for propaganda policies, training of cadres and typical experiments in autumn production. After the harvest is completed in the autumn, the province is transferred to accomplish the task of completing and ending the land reform with a typical breakthrough and a combination of points , The method of gradually pushing and jumping rapidly and steadily progressed. In October, after the districts broke through more than 20 typical pilot towns, they held their own typical wrap-up meetings and arranged the typical experimental work in each county. In November, all counties After breaking through the typical pilot township (a total of more than 130 townships), the county held an expanded cadre meeting and arranged one or two base points in each district
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