糖尿病肾病(DN)是糖尿病(DM)最常见的并发症,也是导致糖尿病患者死亡的主要原因之一[1]。DN患者肾脏受损,一旦出现蛋白尿,必须严格限制每日蛋白质摄入量至0.8 g/kg·bw,甚至到0.6 g/kg·bw[2-3]。为保证每日优质蛋白质摄入量,去除或减少主食中的非优质蛋白,是控制DN患者蛋白质摄入、延缓DN进展的基础和关键所在[4-5]。
Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is the most common complication of diabetes mellitus (DM) and one of the major causes of death in diabetic patients [1]. DN patients with kidney damage, once proteinuria, the daily protein intake must be strictly limited to 0.8 g / kg · bw, even to 0.6 g / kg · bw [2-3]. In order to ensure daily high-quality protein intake, removing or reducing non-high-quality protein in the staple food is the basis and key to controlling the protein intake of DN patients and retarding the progression of DN [4-5].