一、名称的由来及变迁桉树(Eucalyptus L’Herit)是姚金娘科桉属植物的统称。桉属植物取名为“桉”,最早是根据清朝宣统二年(1910年)我国驻意大利大使吴宗廉辑译《桉谱》一书,吴宗廉根据法文Encalypto的译音“安加利泼多”,按音取义,故名为桉。因桉的古文与案、碗字皆通,取名为桉有其材可制器物的意思;又桉树有治病僻疫(疟疾)的效果,取名为桉还有安而无危之义。所以桉树一名是自吴氏始。在广东、广西,福建俗
First, the origin of the name and change Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus L’Herit) is the generic name of the genus eucalyptus. Eucalyptus plant named “Eucalyptus”, the earliest is based on the Qing Dynasty Xuan Tong two years (1910) Chinese Ambassador to Italy Wu Zonglian compilation of “Eucalyptus,” a book, according to French translation Encalypto French “Angali pour more” by Sounds meaning, so named eucalyptus. Eucalyptus because of the ancient and the case, the word bowls all through, named eucalyptus has its own material meaning of the device; and eucalyptus epidemic disease (malaria) effect, named eucalyptus and safety without danger . So a eucalyptus from the beginning of Wu. In Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian customs