美国著名水彩画家罗伯·俄尔多在十月金秋应鲁迅美术学院之邀,访问了该院并进行了两天的学术研讨,深受广大师生的欢迎。 罗伯·俄尔多现任美国北德克萨斯大学视觉学校绘画系主任、纽约乔托夸美术馆馆长和《乔托夸全国美国艺术展》主任。青年时期在加州大学专攻水彩,1976年获硕士学位。随后他用许多年时间在内华达山区和欧洲等地的野外实地写生绘画。写生始终伴随着他的水彩创作。
The famous American watercolor artist Robert Bordeaux, invited by Luxun Academy of Fine Arts in the autumn of October, visited the academy and conducted two days of academic discussion, which was well received by teachers and students. Robert Bordeaux is currently Director of the Department of Visual Arts at the University of North Texas at Visual Arts, Director of the Art Museum of Giotto, New York and Director of the National Art of Giotto States Nationwide. He specialized in watercolor at the University of California in the youth and a master’s degree in 1976. He then spent many years painting sketches of fields in the Sierra Nevada and Europe. Sketching is always accompanied by his watercolor creation.