新疆自古以来就是中亚交通枢纽,东西交通要道。据近代考古证实:自远古时代起,这块宝地就为人类的起源、人类的文明,以及东西文化艺术的交流提供了天赋之便利,成为人类文明史上不可忽略的要塞。 阿图什人头化石的发现。楼兰古城出土的千古少女干尸。吐鲁番、焉耆、库车,喀什、和田等地古墓中的珍世文物。雄伟壮观的高昌、交河等等无数座古城。西方佛教文化艺术的再现,东方古老文明的结合,古代维吾尔人智慧的结晶;库车的“克孜尔”、“库木土拉”,
Since ancient times, Xinjiang is a transportation hub in Central Asia and an important route for transportation. According to recent archeology, this treasure has provided natural advantages for the origins of mankind, mankind’s civilization, and the exchange of East-West culture and arts since the ancient times and has become a fortress that can not be ignored in the history of human civilization. Artush head fossil discovery. Loulan ancient city unearthed girl dry mummy. Turpan, Yanqi, Kuche, Kashi, Hetian and other places in the tomb of the treasures. Majestic Gaochang, Jiaohe, and so countless blocks of ancient city. The reproduction of western Buddhist culture and art, the combination of oriental ancient civilizations and the crystallization of ancient Uyghur wisdom; the “Kizil” and “Kumu Tura” of Kuche,