听到这个题目大家也许会问:“何谓‘三心’ 呀?” “三心”之首为平常心。当前,由于各种观念的冲撞、社会利益的调整,不可避免地会对人的价值取向产生影响。教师不是生活在真空中,教师自然也会受到社会生活的冲击。 比比同龄人,工作压力大,薪水却要少得多;同样是教师,我们教语文的又鲜与“家教”有缘。怎么办?怨天尤人不是办法。我们只有调整好心态,以一颗平常心,从容应对。 我们确实比他人要囊中羞涩得多,但我们手中攥着的笔笔财富,无人可比:屈原、孔子是我们的财富,巴金、鲁迅是我们的财富;学生是我们的财富……是啊,当我们走近学生、靠近文学时,你不觉得周围的一切为此而黯淡无光了么?记得校园网开通前夕,我们全组17位教师每人在语文组的网
Hear this subject we may ask: “What is the” Three Hearts “?” “Three Hearts” is the commonplace. At present, due to the collision of various concepts, the adjustment of social interests will inevitably have an impact on people’s value orientation. Teachers do not live in a vacuum, teachers are naturally subject to the impact of social life. Bibi peers, working pressure, salary is much less; the same teacher, we teach language and fresh and “tutor” related. What to do? We only adjust the attitude, with a sense of calm, calmly deal with. We are indeed much more shy than others, but the wealth of pen and paper clutched in our hands is unparalleled: Qu Yuan and Confucius are our wealth, and Ba Jin and Lu Xun are our wealth; students are our wealth ... Yes When we approached the students, close to the literature, do not you think everything around it dull? Remember the eve of the campus network, our group of 17 teachers each in the language group network