二人同心 其力断金——谈基层主官之间的协调

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贞观初年,唐太宗身边有房玄龄、杜如晦两个宰相,前者善谋欠断,后者能断欠谋,他俩同心辅政,互补其短,协调得非常成功,故史有“笙罄同音,惟房与杜”之称。现实生活中,我们常常发现,有的连队主官,从个人素质看,并不太强,然而,两个人却能协调默契,把连队建设搞得有声有色;而有的连队主官,理论水平、工作能力都很强,可两个人就是拧不成一股劲。主观上,他们都想把连队建设搞好,但由于缺乏密切协调,常常把好事办成坏事,影响了连队的全面建设。据此可知,主官之间的协调,旨在避免“内摩擦”,消除“离心力”。在协调的过程中,通过专业互补,知识互补,智力互补,能力互补等,扬两人之长,齐心协力,用江主席“五句话”的总要求,贯彻落实好军委新颁发的条令条例和《军队基层建设纲要》,加强连队的全面建设。古人云:“二人同心,其力断金。” In the early years of Zhenguan, Taizong was surrounded by Fang Xuanling and Du Ruqun, both of whom were conscientious to make up for the losses. The latter were able to cut off their schemes and seek mercy. As a result, both of them coordinated and managed each other very well. Out of stock, but room and Du “said. In real life, we often find that some company officers and men are not too strong in terms of personal qualities. However, the two people can reconcile their understanding and make the construction of a company a success. In some cases, even the main officer, the theoretical level, Ability to work is very strong, but two people can not be twisted. Subjectively, they all want to do a good job in building the company. However, due to lack of close coordination, they often turn good deeds into bad things and affect the overall construction of the company. From this, we can see that the coordination between the main officials aims to avoid ”internal friction“ and eliminate ”centrifugal force.“ In the process of coordination, through the mutual assistance of professionals, complementing each other’s knowledge, complementing each other’s intelligence and complementing each other’s capabilities, we should make concerted efforts and make concerted efforts to implement the new ordinance of the Central Military Commission by means of the general requirements of Chairman Jiang’s ”Five Sentences“ And ”Outline of Grassroots Construction of the Army“ to enhance the all-round building of the company. The ancients said: ”The two concentric, its power off gold."
1997年一季度,全国摩托车产量226万辆。较去年同期比增长11.61%,增速有所回落。 一、全国摩托车产量情况 1.50mL车产量所占比重下降到15%; 2.50、60、70mL车产量均呈负增长; 3
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