【摘 要】
MicroRNAs are one class of small singlestranded RNA of about 22 nt serving as important negative gene regulators.In animals,miRNAs mainly repress protein transl
【机 构】
Department of Mathematics,School of Sciences,Shanghai University,Shanghai 200444,China;School of Lif
MicroRNAs are one class of small singlestranded RNA of about 22 nt serving as important negative gene regulators.In animals,miRNAs mainly repress protein translation by binding itself to the 3’ UTR regions of mRNAs with imperfect complementary pairing.Although bioinformatics investigations have resulted in a number of target prediction tools,all of these have a common shortcoming-a high false positive rate.Therefore,it is important to further filter the predicted targets.In this paper,based on miRNA:target duplex,we construct a second-order Hidden Markov Model,implement BaumWelch training algorithm and apply this model to further process predicted targets.The model trains the classifier by244 positive and 49 negative miRNA:target interaction pairs and achieves a sensitivity of 72.54%,specificity of55.10% and accuracy of 69.62% by 10-fold crossvalidation experiments.In order to further verify the applicability of the algorithm,previously collected datasets,including 195 positive and 38 negative,are chosen to test it,with consistent results.We believe that our method will provide some guidance for experimental biologists,especially in choosing miRNA targets for validation.
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<正> 1986年3月,赵西同志不幸病逝。从此,新闻战线上失去了一位老战士,我失去了一位良师益友。赵西同志是山西阳泉人,20年代毕业于山西财经学院。在国家危急存亡的日子里,他积极参加学生救亡运动,投身
The mechanism for plants around the soil threshold of drought (close to the soil wilting water content) is a problem that needs to be further explored. In this
试验于2014-2015和2015-2016年在山东省肥城市边院镇南仇村大田(35.99°N,116.88°E)进行。选用三个不同类型的冬小麦品种,分别为中穗旱地品种山农25、中穗水浇地品种山农29和大穗水浇地品种山农23。三品种均按其最适栽培密度种植,分别为150、225和225×104 plants hm-2。设置W0为全生育期不灌水处理,W1为拔节期补灌处理,W2为拔节期和开花期补灌处理,W