奥地利维也纳爱乐乐团,作为参加’96中国国际交响年的压轴团,将在今年10月访华演出。这是该团继1973年4月首次访华之后的第二次。 这次率团来华的是中国听众都很熟悉的指挥大帅祖宾·梅塔,他是当今世界所有重要的交响乐团和歌剧院竟相邀请的客座指挥,他于1990年和1995年两度出任维也纳爱乐乐团“新年音乐会”的指挥。1994年曾首次率领以色列爱乐乐团访华演出,给中国的听众留下了深刻的印象。随团来华的青年小提琴演奏家美岛莉是日本国宝级演奏家,她在朱丽亚音乐学院毕业后,曾与世界上许多著名交响乐团合作过,也多次在北美、欧洲、亚洲举办独奏音乐会并灌制了为数众多的音响制品,如今她是世
The Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra of Austria, as a pressure group participating in the ’96 China International Symphony Year, will perform in China in October this year. This is the second time since the delegation first visited China in April 1973. The delegation came to China is familiar to all Chinese listeners Marshal Zubin Mehta, he is today all the world’s major symphony orchestra and guesthouses actually invite guest conductor, he twice in 1990 and 1995 as Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra “New Year Concert” command. For the first time in 1994, he led the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra’s performance in China and left a deep impression on the Chinese audience. Mei Lili, a young Japanese violinist who comes to China with her delegation, is a Japanese national treasure virtuoso player. After graduating from the Jule Conservatory, she has worked with many famous orchestras in the world and has also solo recitals in North America, Europe and Asia many times Will be and irrigation a large number of audio products, and now she is the world