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5年前,一对老夫妇代表晋察冀日报研究会,将一份晋察冀日报牺牲烈士名单郑重地交到了《新闻与写作》编辑部主编手里。5年后,曾把烈士名单亲自交到编辑部的张致祥老人在度过百岁生日后,安详离世;而代表编辑部接过烈士名单并作出努力的主编郭洪新也已英年早逝。或许我们可以告慰他们的是,5年前,在58位烈士名单中,有47位没有找到亲属,而今天,在各方的努力下,研究会已为46位烈士找到了亲属。本文中的应唯鲁就是那第46位。那最后一名没有找到亲属的烈士怎么办?现任《新闻与写作》主编的丁亚韬同志说:“我们一定要找到最后一位新闻烈士的亲属。无论费多少事,花多少钱!这也是我们刊物的责任,是我们的光荣!”本文作者编辑部王卫国同志,更是用饱蘸激情的笔,用心血完成了本文写作,当初稿完成时,即感动了编辑部的每一个人。通过此文使我们更深切地感到,在薪火相传的新闻历史长河中,闪耀着无比灿烂的精神光芒,继承、发扬、光大这些精神,是我们新闻人的责任。在党的生日之际,我们谨以此文告慰烈士;我们谨以此文激励新闻人的职业精神,并用生命诠释职业精神的全部。 Five years ago, an elderly couple represented the Jin-Cha-Ji Daily News Research Association and solemnly handed over to the editor-in-chief of “News and Writing” a copy of the Jin-Jin-Ji Daily List of victims of martyrs. Five years later, the elder Zhang Zhixiang, who handed over the martyrs’ list to the editorial department, died peacefully after passing his 100th birthday. Guo Hongxin, editor of the editorial department who took over the list of martyrs and made his best efforts, died young. Perhaps we can comfort them that five years ago, 47 of the 58 martyrs did not find their relatives. Today, with the efforts of all parties, the Association has found relatives for 46 martyrs. This is the only place in the 46th. The last one did not find the relatives of the martyr how to do? “In the current editor and editor Ding Ya Tao comrades said: ” We must find the last relatives of a news martyr no matter how much it costs, which is our The responsibility of the publication is our glorious! "The author of this article, Comrade Wang Weiguo, wrote the essay in painstaking effort even with the pen full of passion. When the first draft was completed, everyone in the editorial department was touched. Through this article, we can feel more deeply that it is our journalist’s responsibility to shine forth the splendid splendor of light, inheritance, development and development in the long history of the news on payroll. On the party’s birthday, we would like to quote this message to the martyrs. With this article, we would like to inspire the journalists’ professionalism and explain all the professionalism in life.
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摘 要: 传统的散打教学模式已不适应高校体育课程发展的需要,严重制约了其健康发展,作者力图构建一个理论依据充分、时效性和可操作性强,符合大学体育特点、能适应未来社会发展需要的教学课程加俱乐部制的体育课内外一体化模式,为大学体育俱乐部的建设和发展提供依据。  关键词: 散打课程 课内外一体化 俱乐部制  1.研究的背景及意义  课时太少、只重技术导致难以让学生真正体会散打运动的真谛