院内表彰 在吉林艺术学院1990—1991年学年开学典礼上,学院表彰了1990年以来在科研、创作以及其他活动中获省以上奖励的师生员工。表彰的各单如下: 获国家级奖励的—— 音乐系教师徐达维获“中华杯”全国手风琴大赛成人组二等奖; 美术系教师张万新的雕塑《两头羊》获第七届全国美术作品展览铜奖; 美术系教师刘大明的油画《烧窑女》获第七届全国美术作品展览铜奖;
In-House Recognition At the opening ceremony of the Jilin Art Institute for the academic year 1990-1991, the college honored faculty members and staff members who have received awards above provincial level in research, creation and other activities since 1990. Commendations are as follows: National Award - Xu Dawei music department won the “China Cup” National Accordion Competition adult group second prize; art teacher Zhang Wanxin sculpture “two sheep” won the Seventh National Art Exhibition copper Award; art teacher Liu Daming’s oil painting “kiln kiln” won the seventh National Art Exhibition Bronze Award;