癫癎首次发作后脑电图检出癫样放电异常率在儿童为18%~56%,成人为10%~50%,脑电技术是最常用的癫神经病学检查手段,特征性脑电图异常能够帮助对发作类型及癫综合征的分类、确定治疗方案及判断预后。在特定病例,脑电图能检测到更加细微的发作,包括失神、肌阵挛或部分性发作。癫治疗中不同的抗癫药物对癫样放电的抑制存在差异,癫样放电在复发预测及决定撤除抗癫药物方面起着重要作用。“,” EEGs performed for new-onset seizures show epileptiform discharge in approximately 18% to 56% of children and 12%to 50%of adults. EEG is the most commonly used means of neurological examination for epilepsy. Speciifc EEG abnormalities help characterize the seizure type and epilepsy syndrome, which allows more informed decisions regarding therapy and more accurate prediction of seizure control and ultimate remission. In certain cases, the EEG may detect more subtle seizures, including absence, myoclonic or partial seizures. In the therapy of epilepsy, the effect of different antiepileptic drugs on the inhibition of epileptiform discharges is different. Epileptiform discharges play a very important role in the prediction of recurrence and the decision to remove antiepileptic drugs.