一个值得研究的课题云南水稻低温冷害的研究已经进行多年了。这个课题还值不值得研究?从下述理由可以认定,这是一个值得进一步研究的课题。 (一) 国计民生的大事水稻是我省主要的粮食作物。播种面积约占三分之一,总产将近一半。水稻产量在全省粮食总产中是举足轻重的,而冷害又是威胁水稻生产的主要自然灾害。虽然严重冷害并非年年大范围发生,但一旦发生便会造成重大损失,数年难补。同时随着人民生活水平的提高,以大米为主食(不搭杂粮)的要求日益迫切。因此,防御水稻冷害,确保水稻持续稳产高产,是一件对我省农业发展至
A research project worthy of research Yunnan rice has been studied for many years. This topic is not worth the study? It can be concluded from the following reasons, this is a topic worthy of further study. (A) the important event of national economy and livelihood Rice is the main food crops in our province. About one-third of the sown area, the total output of nearly half. Rice production is of decisive importance in the province’s total grain output, which is also a major natural disaster threatening rice production. Although serious chills do not occur on a large scale every year, they will cause heavy losses in the event of a few years of hardship. At the same time, with the improvement of people’s living standards, the demand of using rice as the staple food (not mixed with cereals) is increasingly pressing. Therefore, the prevention of chilling damage to rice to ensure sustained and stable high-yielding rice is an agricultural development in our province to