这767件作品都用原有的标题,附加幅式名称及册的开数或屏的条数,依八家的顺序,分别按干支纪年编次。年号和附注公元纪年,凡第一次出现后,以后即不再出。这样编成的八家作品年表,题为《清初画苑八家画目系年》,附于文后。在《系年》中,每一标题右的括号内的指资料的不同来源,并在括号右宽一格,记上收藏单位的简称或个人姓名。不知姓名的私人收藏,记上“×私人”。 在搜集和编写本文及所附《系年》的过程中,得到现任职于美国华盛顿国立佛利尔美术馆的张子宁先生很多帮助,谨致诚挚的谢意。
All these 767 works are numbered according to their original titles, the names of the banners attached and the number of openings or screens of the book, according to the order of eight. Annals and notes AD year, where the first time after, that is no longer out. Eight chronological works compiled in this way, titled “Year Eight Paintings in the Early Qing Dynasty Paintings”, are attached to the text. In the “Department of the Year”, the brackets around the right of each title refer to different sources of information, and the width of the bracket is one square to the right, with the shortened or personal name of the collecting unit. I do not know the name of the private collection, marked “× private.” In the course of collecting and compiling this essay and the accompanying “Year of Forth”, I sincerely thank Mr. Zhang Zining, currently working for the National Fool Museum, Washington, USA.