一、东西方度量衡单位存在的差异对于从事英汉翻译的中国译者来说 ,有三种计量制度是经常接触到的 :公制、市制和英制。公制亦称米制 ,随着国际间政治、经济、文化交往的加强 ,公制计量制度的使用也愈加广泛 ,在科学领域和经贸活动中已经占据了主导地位。但是 ,在人们的日常生
First, the differences between east and west units of measurement For the Chinese translators engaged in English-Chinese translation, there are three kinds of measurement systems are often come into contact with: metric, municipal and imperial. Metric system also known as rice, with the international political, economic and cultural exchanges to strengthen the metric system of measurement is also increasingly widespread, in the field of science and trade and economic activities has dominated. However, in people’s daily life