支气管胸膜瘘一般多是采用外科手术疗法。我们曾收治一例,试用中西医结合非手术治疗,结果获得了较为满意的疗效,现报导如下: 病例报告 患者罗××,男,21岁,农村社员。因咳嗽加剧伴咳吐大量脓痰,痰中带血,高热,于1977年8月10日入院。既往有慢性咳嗽、咳痰史,痰黄、粘稠、量多。入院后根据病史、症状、体征及X光片诊断为“支气管扩张并化脓性感染”。先后采用青、链霉素肌注,红氯霉素静滴,四环素、
Bronchopleural fistula is mostly used surgical treatment. We have treated one case, the trial of non-surgical treatment of Integrative Medicine, the results obtained a more satisfactory curative effect, are reported as follows: Case report patients Luo × ×, male, 21 years old, rural members. Cough due to cough due to cough with a large number of purulent sputum, bloody sputum, high fever, admitted on August 10, 1977. Past chronic cough, sputum history, phlegm, viscous, volume and more. After admission according to history, symptoms, signs and X-ray diagnosis of “bronchiectasis and purulent infection.” Has adopted green, streptomycin intramuscular injection, intravenous infusion of red chloramphenicol, tetracycline,