Harbin Power Plant is located in the plain area where the slope of the ground is less than 2%, and the thick soil layer of the plant makes the surface water not easily eliminated. The natural moisture content in the soil is generally more than 22%. The above-mentioned geological conditions are used as roadbeds. In accordance with the requirements of the Grade III highways, there must be 500-600mm materials as the basis. Stone bases are currently used. However, Hulan County, where the factory is located, lacks local materials and the railway line for the plant has not yet been completed, forcing large quantities of materials to be transported by road. After economic and technical comparison, the factory proposed the use of grey soil roadbed designed and constructed by the Harbin Highway. The 23 kilometers of highways that have already been completed have reached the excellent level of experience. The construction practice in the past year has proved that the lime-soil roadbed is a guarantee for the quality of highway projects and the reduction of the cost.