
来源 :农药市场信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cbladerunner
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据了解,自2014年以来,随着互联网在农村的普及以及电商平台代购的出现,不少农户对网上购买农药接受度增加,加上网购农药价格普遍比线下低,农户网购农药的行为变得普遍。这对线下传统销售渠道形成了不小的冲击。今年5月份,广西合浦有农资经销商向记者反映,称合浦县农村淘宝在网上为农户代购外企的擦码农药,以低价售出,严重影响了当地经销商的经营。今年年初,清远一经销商在和记者交流时也表示,农户通过代购等形式 It is understood that since 2014, with the popularization of the Internet in rural areas and the purchase of e-commerce platforms, many farmers have increased their acceptance of online purchase of pesticides, and the online purchase of pesticides is generally lower than the lower purchase price. Become commonplace This line of traditional sales channels formed no small impact. May this year, Guangxi Hepu agricultural dealers have to reflect to reporters, said Hepu County, rural Taobao online purchase of foreign farmers for rub rub pesticide, sold at low prices, seriously affecting the local dealer’s business. Early this year, Qingyuan, a dealer and exchange of reporters also said that farmers through the purchase of other forms