由芜湖天虹数码科技有限公司研制的 TLC 10 0广播电视发射机远程遥控遥测系统于 2 0 0 2年 9月 2 0日在合肥通过安徽省科学技术厅组织的专家鉴定 ,鉴定会一致认为该系统处于国际先进、国内领先。该系统用于对各种广播、电视发射机的遥控遥测 ,将以往的人工巡检、巡视方式 ,转换
TLC 10 0 radio and television transmitter remote telecontrol system developed by Wuhu Tianhong Digital Technology Co., Ltd. was appraised by experts organized by Science and Technology Department of Anhui Province on September 20, 2002 in Hefei, and the appraisal meeting agreed that the system In the international advanced, leading domestic. The system is used for remote control telemetry of all kinds of radio and television transmitters. The system uses the previous manual inspection, inspection mode, conversion