
来源 :物理学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanpiaofeng
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为满足红外成像光谱仪大光通量、高稳定性的应用需求,提出了一种基于多级阶梯微反射镜的静态化、无狭缝式、新型红外时空联合调制型傅里叶变换成像光谱仪结构.对其工作原理和光程差的产生方式进行了分析.作为该成像光谱仪的重要部件,前置成像系统决定了光程差的分布,其性能直接影响到目标物体的图像质量.根据系统光程差的产生方式,分析和设计了像方远心光路结构的前置成像系统.利用被动光学消热差方法对前置成像系统进行了消热差研究.结果表明:当温度在-20—60?C的范围内时,各个视场的调制传递函数均达到衍射极限,在多级阶梯微反射镜的总阶梯高度范围内成像质量良好;在不同的温度下,各视场处主光线在像面上的最大入射角小于0.02?. In order to meet the application requirements of large flux and high stability of infrared imaging spectrometer, a static, non-slit and new infrared space-time Fourier transform imaging spectrometer structure based on multistage ladder micromirror is proposed. Its working principle and the way of optical path difference are analyzed.As an important part of the imaging spectrometer, the front imaging system determines the distribution of optical path difference, and its performance directly affects the image quality of the target object.According to the system optical path difference The way of generation, the front imaging system like Fang Yuan-Xin optical path structure was analyzed and designed.The research on the difference of heat removal before the imaging system was made by using the passive optical method of heat dissipation difference.The results show that when the temperature is between -20-60? C , The modulation transfer function of each field of view reaches the diffraction limit, and the image quality is good within the total step height of the multistage ladder micromirror. At different temperatures, the chief ray of each field of view is on the image plane The maximum angle of incidence is less than 0.02?
绿发巫婆家门前有一棵果树,这树上结的果子又甜又香。而且这果子有个神奇之处,那就是,吃了这果子,丑人可以变美。 There was a fruit tree in front of the green witch’s
叔叔带着侄子驱车出游,不论碰到谁,他都挥手致意。侄子惊奇地问道:“叔叔,这些人你都认识吗?”“不全认识。”“那你干吗向他们挥手呢?” Uncle driving with his nephew tr
兄弟企业给人的感觉往往是生龙活虎,而风险便是兄弟易阋于墙“兄弟同心,其利断金”。在家族经营过程中,兄弟创业的故事远比父子创 Brothers give the impression that peopl
就像托尔斯泰说过的名言:不幸的家庭各有各的不幸。不同的店面面临不同的问题。怎样做才能对解决这些问题有所帮助?有时候,甚至只是举手之劳。 As Tolstoy said: An unhappy
芭芭拉——我喜欢这个名字,听起来既温柔又可爱。  可你知道吗?对于澳大利亚昆士兰州的居民们来说,这个可爱的名字比“狮子”听起来更令人闻风丧胆。因为,狮子不会经常冲上小镇的街道,揍猫、打狗、伤人、堵车、砸玻璃,然后扬长而去,而这些芭芭拉全都会!  我认为,“芭芭拉”这个外号,和食火鸡这种凶巴巴的鸟实在太不相配了!