1999年12月20日,澳门就要回到祖国母亲的怀抱。长期以来,虽然澳门与祖国内地被人为分开,但天然形成的陆海联系,中华儿女之间的感情纽带,是永远也割不断的。现在,澳门居民喝的水、吃的果菜副食大都是通过珠海的拱北口岸运进来的。 从1959年珠海兴建竹仙洞和银坑水库向澳门供水起,4O年来,珠海为解决和保障澳门供水,竭尽全力,无私支援,向澳门供水量逐年增加:60年代每年约向澳门供水300万立方米,80年代初期增加到800万~1500
On December 20, 1999, Macao will return to the motherland of the motherland. For a long time, although Macao was artificially separated from the mainland of the motherland, the naturally formed land-sea ties and the emotional ties between the sons and daughters of China are forever cut. Nowadays, the residents of Macao drink the water and eat most of the non-staple foods of fruits and vegetables brought in through the Gongbei Port in Zhuhai. From the time Zhuhai Cave and Yinkeng Reservoir in Zhuhai were built in 1959 to supply water to Macao, Zhuhai has been making every effort to provide and supply water to Macau with absolute sincerity in the past 40 years. The supply of water to Macao has been increasing year by year. In the 1960s, about 3 million cubic meters of water were supplied to Macao In the early 1980s, it increased to 8 million to 1,500