杜冰蟾生于辞书世家,祖父杜子熊是知名书画家、辞书编纂家;父亲杜晓庄是当代百科全书式的伟大学者王竹溪院士遗著《新部首大字典》的编审主任。杜冰蟾出生在这样一个家庭里,从小耳濡目染,对各种辞书检索法和汉字的部首、笔画、笔顺、拼音产生了浓厚的兴趣。她在上海南洋模范中学初一年级读书时提出用笔顺来分解部首,用于辞书检索。她的这一崭新的发明思想,刚一提出就被内行而敏锐的父亲紧紧抓住。父亲鼓励她沿着自己独特的思路走下去,研究出一套汉字计算机检索方案。 1989年12月30日,中国专利局正式受理杜冰蟾“汉字
Du Bingchan was born in a family of dictionaries. His grandfather Du Zixiong is a well-known painter and dictator. His father, Du Xiaozhuang, is a compiling director of the “New Radical Dictionary” written by academician Wang Zhuxi, a contemporary great encyclopedic scholar. Du Bing toad was born in such a family, from childhood, on a variety of dictionaries retrieval method and the Chinese radical, stroke, stroke order, Pinyin generated a strong interest. She studied at the first grade of Nanyang Model Middle School in Shanghai and proposed to use stroke order to disassemble radicals for dictionaries retrieval. Her new idea of this invention, just put forward by the expert and keen father firmly grasp. My father encouraged her to go along her own unique ideas and work out a set of Chinese computer retrieval solutions. December 30, 1989, the Chinese Patent Office formally accepted Du Bingchan "Chinese characters