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回顾刚刚过去的一年,世界经济与贸易仍低位运行,汇率和大宗商品价格波动剧烈,中国经济在2016年也进行了探底过程,党中央确定的供给侧结构性改革正步入深水区。中国纺织工业作为市场化最充分、韧性最强的行业,此刻正面临速度换挡节点、结构调整节点、动力转换节点,在"传统支柱产业、重要民生产业和创造国际化新优势的产业,也 Reviewing the past year, the world economy and trade are still running low with sharp fluctuations in the exchange rate and commodity prices. The Chinese economy also carried out a bottoming-out process in 2016, and the supply-side structural reform set by the Party Central Committee is now entering the deep-water area. As the most marketized and resilient industry in China, China’s textile industry is now facing speed shift nodes, structural adjustment nodes and power conversion nodes. In the traditional pillar industries, important livelihood industries and industries that create new advantages in internationalization, and also
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流式细胞术(flow cytometry,FCM)是一种单细胞快速定量分析技术,为精子功能研究提供了一种高通量、多参数的检测手段。FCM在外用避孕药对精子功能评估中的应用,主要包括精子